Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Molasses on Pancakes

Well, I tried something new today! I've been trying to eat healthier but sometimes it's hard to find good substitutes. What to use in place of syrup?

Growing up I read stories of Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder who put molasses on their pancakes. I wonder how that would taste? With Laura teasing me about being a health freak I got out the molasses and began pouring it on.

I actually liked it! I'm not a big fan of the flavor, yet, but I do love strong flavor and by putting just a little on it tasted like maple syrup.


  1. Which kind did you use? Blackstrap can be a little strong and takes some getting used to. Old Fashioned is sweeter. We've used it on pancakes in our family for a long time. My first exposure to it was at a friends house when I was about 11. They put theirs in a honey bear. Worked pretty well.


  2. It was the Blackstrap from Azure.

  3. Health freak. ;-) What with you sitting next to me eating your molasses french toast and drinking substitute coffee! And not to mention not allowing me to turn on the kitchen lights while making dinner the past few days, I'm getting to thinking you're a regular "echo" guy!

  4. What about apple sauce and peanut butter??? that is how I grew up eating pancakes...and what subsitute coffee are you into these days? Not all of them are created equal I must say but some of them are pretty good!

  5. Either of those would work too. I just tried peanut butter for the first time a few weeks ago at a friends house. I like that.

    I really don't like coffee substitutes. It just tastes like fake coffee. I drink mostly tea now.
