Thursday, June 3, 2010

Home from Virginia

Yesterday I arrived home after a month in Virginia at Buxton Farm with the Murphys (Buston is currently leased by Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm).
Because of some mechanical problems on the plane I ended up spending a night in Detroit and then flew into Memphis before headed back to Seattle.

I missed home, my family and friends here very much and am happy to be here again. I will still miss Virginia and the Murphy family. Thank you for putting up with me for a month and teaching me so much.

Over the next while I'll post some of the pictures I took during my stay. Here are a couple:

Joel Salatin and me

Mr. Murphy holding Peter, and me


  1. Yeah, I had to put Jon down right before the picture. He was getting too heavy.

  2. You're supposed to know what I mean.

    hmmm... maybe I should have just said "Mr. Murphy, Peter, and me"

  3. Welcome Home Jon! Sure hope you got some exciting pictures of your stay in Detroit! Ha! We can hardly wait to pick your brain on all that you learned. We can't believe you got to get your picture taken with Joel Salatin. Now we are jealous! See you at the wedding and give the family a big hug from all of us on the "little chicken farm of Port Orchard"
    The Bryan Clan

  4. I was just about to ask how you could hold Peter and Jon. :)
